Your sexuality is not taboo!
Our mission is to bring you closer to your sexuality.
Sexuality has always been taboo, shameful and secretive.
But not talking about it comes with a high price...
We are here to make the hidden visible and reveal your sexual potential.
Through true-to-original models and informative newsletters, we show you how beautiful and free sexuality can be.
All Products
Vulva-Clitoris Model
Condom Presenter and Penis Models
Supersize Clitoris Model
"The condom cover is always with me at my workshops with young people. It is super light and its color is simply appealing. Highly recommended!"
Tamara, 27
"I really like the clitoris model! Not only do I use it to educate my children, but it has also found a special place in my living room."
- Klara, 34
"Yonique made me aware of my sexuality. I have now learned to value myself and communicate my needs with my partner"
Sandra, 29